Ova izjava o privatnosti zadnji put je ažurirana 18/12/2024 i odnosi se na građane i osobe sa stalnim prebivalištem u Europskom gospodarskom prostoru i Švicarskoj.
U ovoj izjavi o privatnosti objašnjavamo što radimo s podacima koje dobivamo o vama putem https://terramedica.eu. Preporučujemo da pažljivo pročitate ovu izjavu. U našoj obradi pridržavamo se zahtjeva zakona o privatnosti. To između ostalog znači da:
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili želite znati koje točno podatke o vama čuvamo, kontaktirajte nas.
U tu svrhu koristimo sljedeće podatke:
Osnova na kojoj možemo obrađivati ove podatke je:
Razdoblje zadržavanja
Ove podatke čuvamo do prekida usluge.
U tu svrhu koristimo sljedeće podatke:
Osnova na kojoj možemo obrađivati ove podatke je:
Razdoblje zadržavanja
Ove podatke čuvamo do prekida usluge.
Ove podatke dijelimo ili otkrivamo samo obrađivačima u sljedeće svrhe:
Naša web stranica koristi kolačiće. Za više informacija o kolačićima pogledajte naša Pravila o kolačićima.
Otkrivamo osobne podatke ako smo dužni prema zakonu ili sudskom nalogu, kao odgovor agenciji za provođenje zakona, u mjeri dopuštenoj prema drugim odredbama zakona, da damo informacije ili za istragu o predmetu koji se odnosi na javnu sigurnost.
If our website or organisation is taken over, sold, or involved in a merger or acquisition, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers and will be passed on to the new owners.
Predani smo sigurnosti osobnih podataka. Poduzimamo odgovarajuće sigurnosne mjere kako bismo ograničili zlouporabu i neovlašteni pristup osobnim podacima. Time se osigurava da samo potrebne osobe imaju pristup vašim podacima, da je pristup podacima zaštićen i da se naše sigurnosne mjere redovito provjeravaju.
Ova izjava o privatnosti ne odnosi se na web stranice trećih strana povezane poveznicama na našoj web stranici. Ne možemo jamčiti da ove treće strane postupaju s vašim osobnim podacima na pouzdan ili siguran način. Preporučujemo da prije korištenja ovih web stranica pročitate izjave o privatnosti ovih web stranica.
Zadržavamo pravo izmjena i dopuna ove izjave o privatnosti. Preporuča se da redovito pregledavate ovu izjavu o privatnosti kako biste bili upoznati sa svim promjenama. Osim toga, aktivno ćemo vas informirati gdje god je to moguće.
Ako imate pitanja ili želite znati koje osobne podatke imamo o vama, obratite nam se. Možete nas kontaktirati pomoću podataka ispod. Imate sljedeća prava:
Uvijek jasno navedite tko ste, kako bismo bili sigurni da nećemo mijenjati ili brisati podatke pogrešne osobe.
Ukoliko niste zadovoljni načinom na koji postupamo (prigovor na) obradu Vaših osobnih podataka, imate pravo podnijeti prigovor Tijelu za zaštitu podataka.
Poliklinika Terra Medica d.o.o.
Amfiteatarska 8, 52100 Pula
Web-stranica: https://terramedica.eu
E-pošta: info@terramedica.eu
Phone number: +38598410680
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days.
Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, ithemes.com will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to ithemes.com as part of this process. Requests to ithemes.com include the site's URL. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from wordpress.org, ithemes.com, and amazonaws.com. No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to wordpress.org include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to ithemes.com and amazonaws.com include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For wordpress.org privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to amazonaws.com are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days.
Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, ithemes.com will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to ithemes.com as part of this process. Requests to ithemes.com include the site's URL. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from wordpress.org, ithemes.com, and amazonaws.com. No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to wordpress.org include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to ithemes.com and amazonaws.com include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For wordpress.org privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to amazonaws.com are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days.
Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, ithemes.com will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to ithemes.com as part of this process. Requests to ithemes.com include the site's URL. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from wordpress.org, ithemes.com, and amazonaws.com. No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to wordpress.org include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to ithemes.com and amazonaws.com include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For wordpress.org privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to amazonaws.com are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days.
Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, ithemes.com will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to ithemes.com as part of this process. Requests to ithemes.com include the site's URL. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from wordpress.org, ithemes.com, and amazonaws.com. No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to wordpress.org include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to ithemes.com and amazonaws.com include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For wordpress.org privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to amazonaws.com are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
This site utilizes caching in order to facilitate a faster response time and better user experience. Caching potentially stores a duplicate copy of every web page that is on display on this site. All cache files are temporary, and are never accessed by any third party, except as necessary to obtain technical support from the cache plugin vendor. Cache files expire on a schedule set by the site administrator, but may easily be purged by the admin before their natural expiration, if necessary. We may use QUIC.cloud services to process & cache your data temporarily.Please see https://quic.cloud/privacy-policy/ for more details.
This site utilizes caching in order to facilitate a faster response time and better user experience. Caching potentially stores a duplicate copy of every web page that is on display on this site. All cache files are temporary, and are never accessed by any third party, except as necessary to obtain technical support from the cache plugin vendor. Cache files expire on a schedule set by the site administrator, but may easily be purged by the admin before their natural expiration, if necessary. We may use QUIC.cloud services to process & cache your data temporarily.Please see https://quic.cloud/privacy-policy/ for more details.
This site utilizes caching in order to facilitate a faster response time and better user experience. Caching potentially stores a duplicate copy of every web page that is on display on this site. All cache files are temporary, and are never accessed by any third party, except as necessary to obtain technical support from the cache plugin vendor. Cache files expire on a schedule set by the site administrator, but may easily be purged by the admin before their natural expiration, if necessary. We may use QUIC.cloud services to process & cache your data temporarily.Please see https://quic.cloud/privacy-policy/ for more details.
This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress by Complianz to collect and record Browser and Device-based Consent. For this functionality, your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. This service does not process any personally identifiable information and does not share any data with the service provider. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days.
Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, ithemes.com will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to ithemes.com as part of this process. Requests to ithemes.com include the site's URL. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from wordpress.org, ithemes.com, and amazonaws.com. No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to wordpress.org include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to ithemes.com and amazonaws.com include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For wordpress.org privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to amazonaws.com are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days.
Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, ithemes.com will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to ithemes.com as part of this process. Requests to ithemes.com include the site's URL. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from wordpress.org, ithemes.com, and amazonaws.com. No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to wordpress.org include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to ithemes.com and amazonaws.com include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For wordpress.org privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to amazonaws.com are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days.
Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, ithemes.com will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to ithemes.com as part of this process. Requests to ithemes.com include the site's URL. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from wordpress.org, ithemes.com, and amazonaws.com. No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to wordpress.org include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to ithemes.com and amazonaws.com include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For wordpress.org privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to amazonaws.com are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days.
Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, ithemes.com will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to ithemes.com as part of this process. Requests to ithemes.com include the site's URL. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from wordpress.org, ithemes.com, and amazonaws.com. No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to wordpress.org include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to ithemes.com and amazonaws.com include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For wordpress.org privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For ithemes.com privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to amazonaws.com are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress by Complianz to collect and record Browser and Device-based Consent. For this functionality, your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. This service does not process any personally identifiable information and does not share any data with the service provider. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.
This site utilizes caching in order to facilitate a faster response time and better user experience. Caching potentially stores a duplicate copy of every web page that is on display on this site. All cache files are temporary, and are never accessed by any third party, except as necessary to obtain technical support from the cache plugin vendor. Cache files expire on a schedule set by the site administrator, but may easily be purged by the admin before their natural expiration, if necessary. We may use QUIC.cloud services to process & cache your data temporarily.Please see https://quic.cloud/privacy-policy/ for more details.